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Denne DeDios unika billede kaldt "Grenen" viser landskabet i den fantastisk strand hvor de to have mødes Skagerrak og Kattegat,og det kan ses på bølgerne, der kommer fra hver sin side. Det skaber voldsomme strømforhold, hvorfor det er strengt forbudt og forbundet med livsfare at bade der. Man kan dog godt soppe og prøve at stå med én fod i Skagerrak og én fod i Kattegat og på denne billeder man ser en del tursiter og gæster som står i kø for at lave en selfie med en ben på hver side..


Noget særligt ved denne billede er at den blevet kurateret i forbindelse til den censurerende fotoudstillingen  "Til Kanten 2016".


Billederne blevet curateret af et dommerpanel bestående af: fotograf Julie Helquist, fotochef på Jyllands-Posten, Brian Karmark, samt formanden for Aarhus Fotografisk Salon samt forstander ved Medieskolerne, Gunner Byskov.


Fotograferet i 2014

Original Format 40x50cm

Formatter til salg: 40x50, 50x70, 70x100 cm

Farvepallet: Kolde farver, blålig, grønne, turqise, og rød hvor mennesker vises.

Dogma: in-a-rush 2015® - ingen digitale maniuplationer, fremkaldt i farver.

Udstillet: Ja

  • Censurerende Fotoudstilling Til Kanten 2016, 
  • Danmarks Foto Museum i Herning 2016


Pris for en certificeret kopi format 40x50: 2.500 kr

Pris for en certificeret kopi format 50x70:  3.500 kr

Pris for en certificeret kopi format 70x100: 4.500 kr


Andre formatter samt indramning kan bestilling efter aftale med Juan DeDios - Skriv til eller ring: 26274788.


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"The branch"

This DeDio's unique image called "The Branch" shows the landscape of the fantastic beach where the two seas meet the Skagerrak and the Kattegat, and it can be seen in the waves coming from each side. It creates violent current conditions, which is why bathing there is strictly prohibited and associated with danger to life. You can, however, try to stand with one foot in the Skagerrak and one foot in the Kattegat, and in these pictures you can see quite a few tourists and guests queuing up to take a selfie with one leg on each sea.


Something special about this image is that it was curated in connection with the censoring photo exhibition "Til Kanten 2016".


The images have been curated by a panel of judges consisting of: photographer Julie Helquist, head of photography at Jyllands-Posten, Brian Karmark, and the chairman of the Aarhus Fotografisk Salon and principal at the Media Schools, Gunner Byskov.


Photographed in 2014

Original format 40x50cm

Formats for sale: 40x50, 50x70, 70x100 cm

Color palette: Cold colors, bluish, green, turquoise, and red where people appear.

Dogma: in-a-rush 2015® - no digital manipulations, developed in color.

Exhibited: Yes

Censoring Photo Exhibition Til Kanten 2016,

Denmark's Photo Museum in Herning 2016


Price for a certified copy format 40x50: DKK 2,500

Price for a certified copy format 50x70: DKK 3,500

Price for a certified copy format 70x100: DKK 4,500


Other formats and framing can be ordered by agreement with Juan DeDios - Write to or call: 26274788.


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